One of the best things about FOSS(free and open-source software), is that users have choice over their computer experience in all aspects. With open source, software adapts to they users needs, not the other way around.
FOSS isn't about being free in the sense of having no monetary cost, or that developers can't have a profit from their work. FOSS is about the users freedom to control their software, and hardware, by being able to study, modify and redistribute any piece of software installed on their computers.
In many ways, is putting the users freedoms ahead of other concerns. It's about people and the communities they make to work on the same objectives, or people just getting together to share what they are passionate about.
It's time to put users freedoms at the forefront of software development, and not the interests of corporations and their profits. All software needs to protect the freedoms of its users as principle, and serve their interests as well. Any software that doesn't have these two points as a priority isn't one that deserves user's support.
All software companies should have their source code available for study, and to be modified. If any restrictions should be made, those should be limited on how any modification can be redistributed.
FOSS gives users the best weapon to protect their freedoms, since it's development is transparent and all can keep an eye on the source code. We can choose the software that best adapt to our needs, or find a way to adapt an existing one to whatever need they have.
If you want to protect your freedom, use FOSS as much as possible and help the developers as you can.
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