One of the main areas where education is lagging behind, is on science and technology. Since many people don't really understand the basic scientific concepts, it becomes harder to try to explain concepts that are more complex or how technology works.
This lack of understanding is what generates a lot of the lack of trust in science in general, and why many can't really explain how the technology they use works. In many ways, since many don't really know what to expect from them, the results are never they want them to be.
There is also the fact, that because of this we are losing a lot of brilliant scientist and engineers. Since many children, and teenagers, don't have the motivation to take on studies related to these areas they move on to others that seem to be a lot more interesting.
As a society that depends so much on science and technology, we need to have a higher level of interest and understanding of science to be able to explain the basic concepts. Also how technology comes from science, specially the advanced technology.
Not only that, everyone should be able to join scientific debates or participate on development of technology. Only this way, trust on science and technology can be common place and people would be comfortable around them.
It's important that people don't feel alienated from science and technology, as they are now an integral part of our lives and will continue to be in the future.
Science and technology should be an integral part of education, as the arts and other areas of human knowledge and experience.
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