When it comes to education, and research, I don't like when politicians say they'll increase or maintain the expenditure. Money given to those areas shouldn't be seen as an expense, it's an investment on our people and our future.
As with health care or security, education and research are areas that should have a big percentage of the budget assign to them. These areas are not just expenses, they are investments and the money assigned to them is going to pay back in the future when the recipients starts using their education, or when research bears fruits by advancing our quality of life.
Not investing on those areas don't just hurt the individuals who don't get access to them, the society as whole gets hurts because its members can't develop their full potential or have access to a better quality of life. Having quality education and research make society better as a whole, it doesn't just benefit a sector or the individuals who receive education, or do research.
So, let's change our mindset. Let's thing about education and research as the investments they are, so to promote that a bigger share of the budget is given to those areas. Both our communities, and ourselves as individuals, have a lot to gain from investing heavily on those areas.
They are investments on the future of all of us, and one of the best we can make.
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