One of the things that irks me the most on any piece of software, being the OS to any other program that I run on my computer, is when it takes from me control the ability to set it up to work as I want it to do and how it share the data I feed into it.
I want to have as much control as possible of whatever is going on my computer, and being able to set my privacy level as I see fit on every piece of software running.
There is no need for the developers telling me how I should use and set the software once it is on my computer, or to be protected from myself. If I need any protective tools, those are the tools that help me understand and protect my computer and data from outside threats.
And the most important tool of all, is information on the possible threats I'm facing. Clear and concise information that helps me understand how certain things might harm me is far more useful at the time of making decisions about what software I download, or what sites should I avoid.
I dislike the idea of being forced into a walled garden just because the developers don't want me changing their code, appearance of the program, to make it work the way I want it to work. Or what worse, to tell me what can I can consume on their platform.
We should be given as much control as possible on our computers and smartphones as possible. We shouldn't be locked out to make any changes to them. Yes, some changes might take your product on paths you didn't think about or wanted it to go. But, once it's out there all has the tendency to take a life of its own.
Why limit anything to the boundaries one person or group set?
By opening the possibilities of what your software can do, the sky becomes the ceiling of what it can be achieved. One doesn't achieve greatness by limiting ourselves to a narrow road.
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