I've been always curious just about everything, I like to find new things and share them. This led me to Anime/Manga, Science Fiction, Linux, books, meeting new people and finding great places.
The thrill of the discovery, and the road toward it, fills me with a sense of satisfaction and wonder than few other things do. I enjoy the process of learning new things, as well I do sharing those new things with others.
There have been several flops along the way, but even then the lessons learned are valuable. And many times, those flops have taken me to new places and to meet new people. My eyes are opened to new realities, view points and ways to do things. I can honestly that my curiosity has helped to become a better person all things considered.
One thing that I've learned is that if you want to discover new things and meet new people, go to places that are conductive to human interaction. Those places where people feel at ease, and invite them to engage each other. Also, where you are invited to pick up things and explore what they can do.
Keep your eyes open to the little things, and a keen sense of wonder. Always ask yourself how things work, or why they happen. Try to see things to the eyes of other people, it really helps to see the bigger picture and to understand the motives that drove them to where they are.
Is important to remember that almost everything lies on a shade of gray, and almost nothing is absolutely right or wrong, good or bad. Most of those labels are mostly circumstantial to the context of the moment, and to the observer. It's fine to change your mind about anything later, all things change in time.
Most importantly, you don't have to like all that comes your way or to try everything new. But you have to be open to new experiences, and not to pass judgment until you try things out. Give all a fair chance to prove themselves, or itself.
New experiences gives you room to grow and mature. So, give a fair chance to what happens to come your way.
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