Is really sad how it seems that there is a trend followed by many companies to take control away from the user. Each time a new version is announced, the company who makes takes away features that would allow the user to control less and less of what to decide what the software can do.
Which is bad, because that means that the user is left at the mercy of whatever the company want to do.
The user should be able to have complete control of what it's running on his computer, and how is it running. After all, who know better what the user needs that the user himself.
As users, we should do more that mindlessly consume whatever it's given to use. We should be aware of what is going on around us, so we can do more than react when things aren't going our way. If we give them that, the users give up being able to effectively fight back.
Walled gardens are not beneficial for user, since walled gardens only serves the interests of those who own the garden. And they limit the options of the user to whatever the owner of the garden sees fit to offer.
Each user should be the one who decides what to see, and what to use. Most importantly, the user has the exclusive right to choose what channels to use to get the software he needs. Also, the users should be able to deal with the provider without any interference.
The end user is the one who should decide what goes on his or her machines, not the companies.
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