I don't think that control should solely on the creators of the product, or on the hands of users. It should be shared, with both the creators and the users having a say on what happens on the product.
One could say that the level of control on the hands of the creators and users, should be variable depending on the stage of that the product is in. At the start, it's fine that the creators to have most of the control over their products and ideas; but when it hits the hands of the users, they should have most of the product.
As with many things in life, the answers are not on the extremes and we should have a certain level of flexibility when looking for answer. Yet, is really irksome that most people are really set in keeping things in a certain way.
Collaboration from the users should be encouraged by the creators of any product. By letting the users to contribute to their project, the final product will be a lot better than it could be if they only comes from their own efforts. Not only that, since users who actively contribute in some way to the projects that produce the things they use on daily basis are far more loyal to them and keep using them for longer periods of time. And when a new version of the product comes out, those users are more likely to help on the development and buy it afterwards.
Let's not forget that users and creators are human, and as such they all like to be taken into account. If creators really tapped into the creativity of their users, the end result would be orders of magnitude better that anyone could imagine. Basically the only rule there is, is to really listen to your users and use their ideas when they apply.
It's a shame that many companies don't use the collaborative energies of their users in order to create better products, and a loyal user base. Yes, there are negative aspects to have a more active users base collaborating in the development of the products. Yet, the positive side vastly outweigh them and gives far better results for everyone involved with the project.
People want to be part of a community. Instead of building companies, lets build communities that bring great products that its members can use.
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